Tuesday, July 19, 2016

In China, 'mistresses' stripped nude, beaten and publicly shamed...

A video of a half-naked woman being roughed up by several other women, in public, has been circulating on Chinese social media since late June. The attackers are said to have accused the woman of being the mistress of one of their husbands. It's not the first time images of this sort have made the rounds in China, where "mistress" stories crop up regularly.

 They slap her, kick her, tear off her clothes, pull her hair: in the two-and-a-half minute video – of which FRANCE 24 has chosen to publish only screen grabs – several women can be seen screaming at and attacking another woman. The victim, half-undressed and sobbing, is filmed from behind and hides her face. Some of the attackers film her with their smartphones as spectators look on impassively. Just a single passerby attempts to intervene, but without much conviction. From the writing on the arch that can be seen in the background, the scene appears to have taken place in Bozhou, a city in the eastern province of Anhui. Full story...

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