Friday, July 08, 2016

Facebook banning bloggers and dissidents in Singapore

I was in the middle of unpacking, surrounded by boxes and garbage bags, when it happened. I stopped to check my phone, and my Facebook app suddenly declared that my session had timed out and that I would be required to log in again.

Huh, weird. But whatever.


On 4 July, activist and former political detainee Teo Soh Lung wrote a post on her personal Facebook page detailing her most recent brush with the Singapore police. They had interrogated her for hours, then raided her home and seized all her electronic devices, simply because the Elections Department had complained that her Facebook posts on the eve of a by-election was in breach of Singapore’s confusing Cooling-Off Day rules. What’s more, the incident revealed that breaching Cooling-Off Day rules is an “arrestable offence”, which meant that the police didn’t even need warrants to do what they did.

Soh Lung was understandably upset by the whole episode, and was vocal about what she felt was police harassment. Full story...

Related posts:
  1. Singapore's arrest of a 16-year-old YouTuber is all you need to know about...
  2. Facebook is deliberately censoring alternative media, pushing globalist agenda...
  3. India, Turkey lead in Facebook censorship, while US tops data snooping...
  4. Singapore threatens online news site...

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