Friday, July 29, 2016

Deep underground military bases? California hit by mysterious clockwork "booms" daily for years...


On top of that, not only are they clockwork, but these have been described as deep, low booms which can almost be felt by the people who live there. In fact, a friend who lives near Sonora said that sometimes they can actually see their windows warp during the booms.

So what is it? Lots of conspiracies are, of course, floating around including aliens (as per the usual).

But one in particular sounds a lot more plausible than an old weapons depot that’s a three-hour drive from Sonora: DUMBs.

Deep underground military bases.

We all know there’s an extensive network of them which has been significantly expanded since 9/11 and the creation of Homeland Security, and we’re all just supposed to put our fingers in our ears and go “la la la” and pretend like they don’t exist. Full story...

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