Saturday, May 19, 2012

India's low-caste Dalits become video journalists to highlight their plight...

One video shows police beating protesters with sticks. Another shows two lifeless, dirty bodies dragged from their workplace in the sewers. In a third, a man explains why his hand was slashed.

The disturbing clips and personal stories have a common thread: all the victims are “untouchables”, now known as Dalits, who are at the bottom of India’s rigid Hindu caste hierarchy.

The Dalit with the cut hand says he was harmed for drinking from a pot meant for higher castes. Often, filthy and dangerous sewer work is a profession reserved for families of the lowest caste.

Such everyday discrimination is nothing new, but it is rarely documented with such intimacy and insider knowledge in India’s mainstream domestic news media. Full story...

Dalit video one: Killed in Untouchable Job
Dalit video two: Untouchability while Walking 

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