Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kids are learning sex from porn...

For years now, the debate over sex education in the mainstream has been along the lines of, "Do we tell kids sex is an awful thing and they shouldn't do it at all, or do we tell kids sex is an awful thing, but if they must, here's how to be safe?" Those of us who argue for a third way---that comprehensive sex education should value sexual pleasure and even that young people should learn nitty-gritty information about how to have not just healthy but pleasurable sex---have been left hoping kids find Scarleteen, but otherwise afraid to speak out too loudly for fear of having the entire pro-choice and public health movement branded as Satanic by a right wing that already thinks we're perverts. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Porn is ruining the lives of an entire generation...
  2. Porn is as addictive as cocaine and gambling?
  3. Why this pop-porn will damage a generation of children...
  4. Why more and more women are using internet porn...
  5. Too much internet porn can cause impotence???
  6. Parents shocked in NZ at sex education "that has gone too far..."
  7. Kindergarteners giggle through sex education class in China's Zhengzhou...

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