Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Switzerland tops list of tax haven nations...

Switzerland, despite bank settlements with the United States to disclose tax evaders, remains the top refuge for financial secrecy, according to a new international ranking of tax haven countries.

Switzerland is the world leader in financial opacity, only grudgingly conforming with disclosure agreements among developed countries while courting tax evaders in developing nations, said a report released on Monday by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Tax Justice Network.

Steeped in a long tradition of bank secrecy, Switzerland has recently signed information sharing agreements as part of a reporting program with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. But these efforts have been "ineffective," the report said. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. The $2 billion UBS incident: 'Rogue Trader' my ass...
  2. Singapore replacing Switzerland as global financial haven?
  3. UBS and Washington, a love-story gone sour...
  4. Massive amounts of India's dirty money hding in Swiss banks?
  5. 'Austrian tax evasion whistleblower' dies in Swiss jail...
  6. After the US and India, France now goes after tax suspects in Swiss banks... 

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