Saturday, October 08, 2011

Irony really is dead when Tony Blair the hawk is a peace envoy...

Tony Blair keeps popping back to annoy us, doesn't he? Every few months, just as you think he's slid into history, he emerges getting paid a million pounds for something, like brokering an arms deal with Josef Fritzl and you realise we'll never be rid of him.

At least, in the past, leaders did their damage, then disappeared, but he'll never go. It's like finding out the next leader of the UN will be General Franco or that Emperor Hirohito is to be a judge on X Factor.

A recent Channel 4 Dispatches programme concerned one of Blair's business dealings, but they needn't have bothered with the investigative bits.

It could just have gone, "Tony Blair is paid £2m a year by JP Morgan bank" and any reasonable person would shout "Oh, you dirty pig. How did you pull that off?" while the rest of the hour was adverts.

Because you might ask why the bank feels he's worth this salary. It's possible it's because he's really good at banking. He went for an interview and did a test and they said, "We've never met anyone who can count so fast. Name your price." Or, if we were to be cynical, it's because he has influence and connections as he was the Prime Minister. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Tony Blair cashes in on Iraq War... 
  2. Tony Blair's six secret visits to Col Gaddafi... 
  3. Tony Blair proves God has a sense of humour... 
  4. Tony Blair revealed to be godfather to Rupert Murdoch's daughter... 
  5. Gaddafi and Tony Blair's saga of moral squalor shames Britain... 
  6. Australians kick Tony Blair where it really hurts... 
  7. Tony Blair to be condemned for Iraq war fiasco... 
  8. How the Blairs bring shame on Britain... 
  9. As Gaza is being blown apart, peace envoy Tony Blair is on vacation!!! 

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