Friday, December 17, 2010

Judge in Austria rules that yodelling offends Muslims!!!

It seems as though in Austria, the popular yodel is an insult to Muslims.

An Austrian court has recently fined a citizen for yodeling while mowing his lawn, according to a report in The Kronen Zeitung newspaper.

The citizen, 63-year-old Helmut G., was told by the court that his yodeling offended his next-door Muslim neighbors, who accused him of trying to mock and imitate the call of the Muezzin. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Taylor Ware, incredible 11 year old yodeller!! 
  2. Muslim drivers in Britain refuse guide dogs into buses and taxis...
  3. Blind Muslim woman prefers guide horse rather than guide dog!!!
  4. Britain goes halal, but no-one tells the public...
  5. Muslims in Malaysia warned against wearing 'devilish' Manchester United jersey...
  6. Christian convert's funeral in Finland taken over by Imam and Muslim relatives...

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