Saturday, March 06, 2010

'Gendercide' in Asia: daughters are not welcome...

New technology combined with ancient prejudices are producing communities in Asia with thousands more men than women, it has emerged.

Ultrasound scans which can detect the sex of babies have contributed to a massive rise in abortions of female foetuses in cultures which value males much more highly.

In China and Northern India, more than 120 boys are now being born for every 100 girls - up from an imbalance of 108 boys to every 100 girls in the 1980s, according to statistics published in The Economist.

These rates are biologically impossible without human intervention. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Genocide: India's missing daughters...
  2. 24 million Chinese men face wifeless future!
  3. A son is born, so father in India dumps his daughters!!!
  4. Young woman in Pakistan sold off in open auction!!! 
  5. Relatives in China put needle in girl's brain to kill her...
  6. Like China, India is running out of girls...
  7. Woman in India forced to have 6 abortions because in-laws did not want female child.

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