Friday, September 18, 2009

Shop in Geneva removes shoes from Buddha statue after complaints from India!!!

Bihar offered Buddha the stage for Enlightenment; a Bihar resident has now done his bit to redeem the sage from unspeakable ignominy in an obscure Swiss shoeshop.

A letter from Prabhat Chowdhury, a Patna-based realtor, has relieved a Buddha statue of the slight of advertising clogs in a Geneva shopfront.

Chowdhury was holidaying in Switzerland this June along with his wife and daughter when he chanced upon a sight no guidebook had prepared him for — a four-foot Buddha statue with a pair of shoes slung down his neck, garland-like. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Geneva store's shoe-hanging Buddha statue shocks Indian...
  2. Dalai Lama's "Buddha Boy" turns his back on Nirvana!!!
  3. Sweet chick talks about the wisdom of the Buddha...
  4. French boules is an exercise in meditation...
  5. The Dark Side of the Dalai Lama...

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