Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ron Paul and the panic that's leading to a world government...

See also:

  1. Aimee Allen, Ron Paul and The Revolution...
  2. George Orwell died today, 59 years ago...
  3. Our freedom, our liberty... going, going,gone?
  4. Concentration camps in the U.S.A.?

1 comment:

  1. More Americans Are Saying No to the FED & the National Debt!

    Washington has bailed out the banks, Wall Street & their Washington special interests and much of the cost is added to the national debt to by paid by this and future generations while real estate and investments continue to fall. Find out what a growing repudiate the debt movement could mean for treasuries, the dollar, gold and mining shares.

    The Campaign to Cancel the Washington National Debt By 12/22/2013 Constitutional Amendment is starting now in the U.S. See:
